venera zaripova

Digital designer

Venera's Headshot

Crafting beautiful and intuitive digital products is my passion

Over the years, I explored various careers but always found myself drawn to design. Once I stumbled upon front-end development and User Experience (UX) Design it was a eureka moment — I had found my true calling!

i studied information experience design at pratt institute

To further refine my skills, I pursued a master's program in Information Experience Design at Pratt Institute and took additional courses, striving to become a superb UX/Product Designer.

I worked as a ux designer at mblm creative agency

There, I honed my abilities by working on digital products from inception to completion. I was creating intuitive digital products for healthcare, real estate, and tech companies.

now, i'm open to new design roles

Alongside seeking out captivating projects and enticing job opportunities, I am constantly refining my motion, 3D design and no-code development skills.
skilled in
after effects
good at
front-end development
ux/ui design
product Design
motion design
design systems
creative direction
learning now
no-code dev
3D Graphics
3D animation

See my work

Venera's Photo